The 2024 Zion Men’s MiniMasters is set for Tuesday June 25 at Royal Hylands golf course. The first tee time is at 11:00 AM. You should be there by 10:30 for final instructions and registration before the first tee time. The cost is $40 per player to be paid to the golf course at the time of play. The awards banquet will be at the home of Bill and Sue Allison at 380 Paymaster DR., Greenfield, IN after the event.
The outing will be a 4-man scramble event. Each player will hit their own drive, after which they will hit all subsequent shots from the position of the best shot of the team.
The fund raiser this year will benefit Jake Reid, Zion’s Seminarian and Ft. Wayne Seminary. You can donate with check made out to Zion Lutheran Church, with memo “MiniMasters 2024”, or via Vanco in fund “Zion Seminary Student Support”.
If you wish to play in this year’s outing, or have questions, contact Willard Lautner at 317-797-5851 or You may sign up as a 4-man team, or you can sign up as a single player, and you will be paired with other players in a 4-man team.