Get Involved.
See fellowship & service opportunities.

Lutheran Women's Missionary League
Encouraging women in their unique God-given gifts.
The mission of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League is to assist each woman of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.
- Meets Each Month & Special Events
- Contact Linda Kaprellian

Prayer Chain
Growing together in the light of God.
Prayer Chain Ministry is a ministry where a “chain” of people constantly pray for those individuals who are in need of prayers. Prayer request can come from anyone and the prayer intention may be for any reason for which one believes prayer will be beneficial, bearing in mind the place of our faith in answers to our prayers
Media Team

Want to learn a new skill or use your current media talents?
Our media team handles the audio and video production of our services for both in-house worship and our online streaming each week. We are always looking for volunteers to help us and no experience is required. We offer this training a few times during the year.
- We live stream & produce each service.
- Contact Andrew Sands
Altar Guild

Preparing our place of worship with care and passion for detail.
The altar guild prepares the sanctuary for worship each Sunday. They work in teams of two to select banners, prepare the altar, and any special events, such as baptisms, Advent, Christmas, & Easter. On communion Sundays, the team prepares for communion then cleans & stores them.
- Prepares each service for Worship
- Contact Lesley Grotelueshchen

Interested in serving our congregation through ushering?
Ushers provide assistance during services to those attending by offering direction throughout the church service. They also provide help with distributing materials, providing assistant to attendees, hearing impaired devices and other congregational needs.
- Provides service at each worship service.
- Contact Pastor Taylor for more information.

Choir & Handbells
Lifting our voices to proclaim the word of God.
In the church, the primary musical instrument is the human voice, given by God to sing and proclaim the word of God. Our adult choirs and handbells meet regularly for practice and sing during various services throughout the year.
- Rehearsal & Practice each month.
- Contact Carol Rosenthal

Youth Ministry
Leading our Youth in their walk with Christ.
Join our youth group for various gatherings and special events through out the year. We offer youth ministry for all ages. Check back soon for more information.
- Meets Every Sunday Afternoon
- Contact Vicar Brady

Stephen's Ministry
Equipping God's People for Ministry since 1975.
Stephen Leaders are the pastors, other church staff, and lay leaders who complete a Stephen Series Leader’s Training Course, equipping them to serve in a leadership role within their Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministers are lay care givers who complete 50 hours of Stephen Ministry training in their congregations.
- Check back for our next training.

Divorce Care
Finding help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.
Divorce Care is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. DivorceCare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You will learn how to heal from the deep hurt of divorce and discover hope for your future.
- Meets Weekly, Contact the church for details.

Grief Care
Finding help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.
Grief Share is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.
- Meets Weekly, Contact the church for details.

Community Outreach
Serving others in the name of our savior.
Zion is committed to local outreach in our community. We offer a variety of outreach opportunities to our members andwith numerous local organizations in Indianapolis and Hancock County. Please see our events page for our next service opportunity.
- Meets Weekly, Contact the church for details.

Love Out Loud
Service in the name of Jesus.
Love Out Loud is your opportunity to serve the community on one of our Servant Saturdays. Engaging and serving our community by preparing meals for the homeless, service projects, creating care packages, and sharing the love of Jesus with others. We will announce our next Love Out Loud event on our website when the information is available.
- Meets Weekly, Contact the church for details.

Expanding our service mission to those in need around the world.
Christ tells us to "go make disciples of all nations."Our mission groups have been to New Orleans, St. Louis, and Henryville. We look forward to more opportunities to serve in the future.
- Meets Weekly, Contact the church for details.

Kairos Prison Ministry
Growing together in the light of God.
The mission of Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities. Learn more about Kairos below:
- Meets Weekly, Contact the church for details.

Bible Study Groups
Growing together in the light of God.
Zion offers a variety of bible study groups for men, women, young adults, small groups, and many more. Check out our current listings of educational & fellowship groups:
- Meets Weekly, Contact the church for details.