The Master's Plan

Looking to the future at Zion.

Special Congregational Meeting

July 21st, 2024, at 2:30pm.

Seeking His plan for Zion.

For over a year, a group of dedicated individuals have been praying, planning, and meeting to develop The Masters’s Plan. This team has conducted surveys with the members of the congregation, held group conversations, and consulted with industry professionals. During this process the committee has identified several areas that growth is needed in order to further God’s plan at Zion by “Connecting Our Community to Christ.” 

In this first phase of The Master’s Plan we look to address some immediate areas with solutions that benefit both the church and the school:

See a short video outlining our phase 1 purpose, and plan as we move towards adopting The Master's Plan at Zion.

Join us for our meeting.

We will be holding a special congregational meeting where our committee will present The Master’s Plan along with cost and timeline. If the congregation so chooses they can adopt the plan as the official strategy going forward and propose a vote for phase 1 of the plan.

Special Congregation Meeting - July 21st, 2024 @ 2:30pm

Special Prayer Sessions

JULY 15th – 18th. Special Prayer Sessions held each day at 10:00am – 12:00pm & 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Master's Plan Materials

Below are some resources and materials for our meeting. These drawings are a representation of the projects proposed. Please note that these are artist renderings of proposed projects and do not represent the final construction.

Cafe/Multipurpose Space Enhancement

Gym Enhancements

School Addition - Early Ed

Phase One

All Master's Plan Phases

Have questions?

We invite our congregation to share any questions or concerns you have about The Master’s Plan. Our goal is to address as many of your questions as possible during our presentation. While we understand that there may be additional questions at the meeting, preparing in advance will help us ensure a timely and efficient discussion.


Have a question about the Master's Plan?

Please feel free to submit it below and we will review it and incorporate it to our upcoming presentation.